Flat Anchorage
Anchorages transfers prestressing force in the cable to
the concrete. Dynamic provides flat anchorages which are used in post-tensioning buildings and cross Prestressing in segmental girders

Round Anchorage
Anchorages transfers prestressing force in the cable to
the concrete. Dynamic provides round anchorages which are used in post-tensioning for all type of girders like box, segmental, I and T girders

Wedge & Barrel
Dynamic single/multiuse wedge barrel are used in pre-
tensioning work available in 4mm, 3x3, 9.5mm, 12.7mm, 15.2mm (and more) strand/wire system

Master Grip
Dynamic provides multiuse master grip used for prestress
-ing in singlepull / multipull jacks

Grout Cap
Re-usable grout cap, used in the round anchorage system for pressure grouting

Strand Coupler
The use of single/multi strand coupler becomes
neccessary for continuous bridge deck construction built in several phases to extend prestressing cable as construction prceeds. Dynamic provides single strand coupler and multistrand coupler for pre-tesnsioning and post-tenstioning respectively