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Machines & Equipments
Bridge Bearings
Ducts & Pipes
Spl. Purpose Machines
Manufacturing Machines
Flat Anchorage
Round   Anchorage
Wedge & Barrel
Master Grip
Grout Cap
Strand Coupler
Post-Tensioning Jack &   Pump
Pre-Tensioning Jack &   Pump
Bulbing Jack
Grout Pump
Grout Agitator
POT, POT cum PTFE   Brearing
Pin & Metallic Guided   Bearing
Spherical Bearing
Anti Uplift Bearing
PTFE Sliding Bearing
Neoprene/Elastomeric   Bearing
Sheathing pipe
HDPE pipe (Single wall)
HDPE pipe (Double wall)
Void Former & Coupler
End Cone Lid
Well Sinking Jack   (Jackdown)
Strand Pushing   Machine
Pushing / Lifting Jack
Splicing Jack
Re-Stressable   Anchorages & Jack
Sheathing Machine
DYNAMIC PRESTRESS, a specialized agency catering to the requirements of construction industry has a proven track record for last more than two decades in the areas of prestressing, bridge bearings, repair & rehabilitation of bridges, post tensioning works of buildings, nuclear containment structures, flyovers, metro rail projects, mono rail projects etc.
DYNAMIC PRESTRESS is growing at a rapid pace and, as manpower being the important element, we invite engineering graduates and diploma holders (mechanical and civil) having passion to excel in their career. The company provides suitable platform to unleash their potentials. Candidates willing to work at our project sites spread across India as well as abroad will be competitively reminuated. Also those who wish to contribute their technical skills in production units, situated at Nashik (with the state-of-the-art manufacturing unit) are also invited to send their resume.
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