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Machines & Equipments
Bridge Bearings
Ducts & Pipes
Spl. Purpose Machines
Manufacturing Machines
Flat Anchorage
Round   Anchorage
Wedge & Barrel
Master Grip
Grout Cap
Strand Coupler
Post-Tensioning Jack &   Pump
Pre-Tensioning Jack &   Pump
Bulbing Jack
Grout Pump
Grout Agitator
POT, POT cum PTFE   Brearing
Pin & Metallic Guided   Bearing
Spherical Bearing
Anti Uplift Bearing
PTFE Sliding Bearing
Neoprene/Elastomeric   Bearing
Sheathing pipe
HDPE pipe (Single wall)
HDPE pipe (Double wall)
Void Former & Coupler
End Cone Lid
Well Sinking Jack   (Jackdown)
Strand Pushing   Machine
Pushing / Lifting Jack
Splicing Jack
Re-Stressable   Anchorages & Jack
Sheathing Machine
  About Us:  
The prestressing technology is emerging to be a fast growing field in construction industry particularly for buildings, bridges, metro rail, flyovers, nuclear power plants, LNG tanks, cement plant etc. Dynamic Prestress a specialist agency in the field of prestressing accredited with an ISO 9001 certification, has state of the art facility for development, production and testing of related products and equipments required for prestressing industry.
This company has been providing tailor made solutions for the construction industry in the field of prestressing since last two decades. It has technically qualified engineers and technical supervisors having vast experience in the prestressing industry. Dynamic has completed several projects in UAE, OMAN, SAUDI ARABIA, MONGOLIA, MAURITIUS and SOUTH EAST ASIA & all over INDIA. The company has also supplied materials and technical expertise for various international projects in many countries.
The company has implemented ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) programme for the key areas of operations. Various departments like design, development, production, contracts monitoring, procurement, technical services and marketing have periodical interactions based on the feedback from the clients, industry and internal departments of organisation and accordingly the revised policy decision are taken.
The Areas of Specialisation Include-
Execution of prestressing work as specialist subcontractor and providing prestressing materials and equipments.
Supplier of POT PTFE bearings and Elastomeric bearings for bridges & industrial structures.
Design and execution of Post-tension slabs and beams for buildings.
Providing 'Void Former'forvoided slab construction.
Installation of Prestressed 'Rock Anchors' and conducting pile load test.
Well sinking usingjackdown method.
Supply of Equipments and Accessories for heavy load handling.
Dynamic is associated with many segmental construction works of metro rail and flyovers. The company has executed several prestressing works of structures on National Highways, State Highways, Public Works Departments, Nuclear Power Corporation projects, Cement Plant projects, Irrigation projects etc.
Considering its tie ups with international firms in specific specialized areas, the company is able to improve its exports and provide products and services of international standards to the contractors in India as well.
During last ,10 years, the company has registered phenomenal growth in terms of turnover, profitability, production capacity, equipment and client base etc.
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